Green Policies Need Water

The 30×30 Land Grab was fully funded in the Inflation Reduction Act passed by the 117th Congress.  Every federal department is now tasked with implementation. None of these departments are consulting with property owners or citizens. There have been no notices in the newspapers, no radio commercials, nor has there been any form of public service announcements on TV, phone or program. The 30×30 policies are quietly appearing on department websites and federal registries upon the opening of public comments.


The government claims the United States, along with the rest of the world, is running out of water. Apparently, the process of farming has caused an undisclosed amount of the H2O molecule to leave this planet. So much has left that “We have tilted the axis of the earth.” As explained by Dr. Matt Sanderson, Professor at Kansas State University during the Kansas Rural Center’s Food and Farm Conference held in November of 2023.

Water in specific areas is limited however and cannot sustain usage of both farming and mega-industries.  Carbon capture, battery manufacture and storage, artificial intelligence and data centers all use a lot of water. According to Google AI: “The average data center uses around 300,000 gallons of water per day, which is roughly equivalent to the water used in 100,000 homes.” The water is used primarily in maintaining cool temperatures. In carbon capture, it is even more. According to the same Google AI: “Carbon capture and storage technologies can use between 0.74 and 575 cubic meters of water per ton of captured carbon dioxide (CO2). “

The shifting of water usage from the private landowners to climate usage is taking many forms. Purchasing water rights in conservation contracts, various states creating committees and state water czars, are a few examples.  Additionally, plans and designs for new reservoirs are popping up all over the country. Afflicted landowners are not discovering the plans until elected officials receive requests for eminent domain usage.  Individual citizens and independent journalists are bringing them to public awareness upon discovery.
These reservoirs are a delight to the developers who have made generous campaign contributions. In addition to the water storage, exclusive and elite lake side properties and recreational parks are attached to these new reservoir projects.

We cannot forget the destruction of dams on the west coast. I know that there is a growing desire for water usage in industries. Considering the lack of transparency for these climate change projects, I am suspect of the actual motive of the ongoing dam destruction projects.

Transmission Corridors

All the climate friendly energy requires large swaths of lands spread across the country. Gathering the energy to supply it to urban centers requires new and extremely large transmissions lines. The Department of Energy is stating that it will need complete control of the land along the proposed transmission corridor.

To make eminent domain for such large areas a bit more palatable, the Department of Energy is claiming these transmission lines are national interests. The United States must sacrifice the health and welfare of every living organism along these transmission lines in order to save the planet.

The Corridor development plans completed Phase 2 of four Phases before being posted on public websites. Phase 3 requires public comment. Phase 4 is the building of the Transmissions Lines. As of this writing, not one landowner, newspaper, radio station, TV station or flyer was posted on any public board. Not one state agency or energy commission has been contacted regarding this transmission corridor.
Some of the local governments are considering resolutions and moratoriums as the public becomes aware.

CO2 Pipelines

Eminent Domain is being used to force landowners to submit to having C02 Pipelines on their property. Unlike the Transmission Corridors, Co2 has not been declared a national interest. It is a product that is bought sold and traded. From our favorite soda to industrial cleaning product, there is a great deal of market potential for this product.

The best place to get Co2 is from ethanol plants. Ethanol plants have a very high percentage of Co2 purity. Instead of developing that commodity right next to the plants and allowing entrepreneurship, our government has favored taxpayer subsidized monopolies that make generous donations to politicians.  They are building pipelines to horde Co2 under rock formations in a few states in hopes of converting it to even more products after long storage.

C02 pipelines are dangerous. C02 weighs more than oxygen and forces oxygen to rise in the atmosphere causing death by starving the organs of oxygen. It has no color, smell or taste and rarely causes discomfort or pain.  For example: Lake Nyos is a lake in Africa that has naturally occurring CO2 below the surface. In 1986, CO2 bubbled up from the lake and killed 1700 people. In addition to people, it killed livestock, wildlife, birds and even bugs.  

Converting gas pipelines to Co2 is considered even more dangerous. Natural gas pipelines are not designed for the higher PSI and are more likely to carry impurities containing hydrogen and oxygen.  If Co2 comes into contact with water, it turns into carbonic acid. Carbonic acid is corrosive, increasing the likely hood of pipe failure. Life expectancy in the event of a pipe failure depends on the weather and atmosphere conditions. It can kill in as little as 7 minutes or as much as 2 hours. It will not wake you from a comfortable night’s sleep. No first responders or emergency crews along the pipeline routes are scheduled to be trained. No emergency warning systems are being considered.

The Free Soil Coalition has been leading the fight against the use of Eminent Domain for CO2 Pipelines. They are joined by the Sierra Club. Counties in Iowa and South Dakota have passed resolutions in opposition to the use of Eminent Domain for private industries. The Pipeline Safety Trust is another excellent source of information. Both organizations can be found on the internet and on social media.