Live, Live, Live, It’s Live from Rocky Ford, CO. Ebook on the Kansas Nebraska Adventure. A paperback edition is in the works.

Call to Service Journey Through the Heartland
& The Destruction of Kansas Nebraska Heritage Area Partnership
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A how-to-guide on standing against federal overreach, for people on a small budget.
Every federal government land designation comes with federal managerial and oversight consequences. A nonprofit fronting for the federal government, covets a sphere of influence to project their managerial landscape vision for a targeted region without being subject to the election process. National Heritage Areas are essentially money leveraging schemes that benefit special interest groups grooming themselves into tax supported and matching fund entities fronting National Park Service conservation and preservation agendas and goals.
The federal government has demonstrated time and again a proficiency for institutionalized corruption and incompetence. Why should counties and states entertain more of this behavior at the local and state levels? The federal government has had almost 90 years to make Social Security solvent. Congress has so far failed to do so. The federal government has had almost 60 years to make Medicare solvent. Congress has thus far failed to do so. That same government refuses to control the southern border. Congress has no respect for the revenue that has been provided, while celebrating an increase in the debt ceiling (which is really a debt hole). It hasn’t won a war since September 2, 1945.
Furthermore, there is always a crisis impending when Congress addresses the debt ceiling, refusing to cut spending to a bloated, corrupt, and incompetent federal government. If the federal government refuses to competently perform its basic constitutional duties, why should taxpayers and citizens of the United States allow that government to designate National Heritage Areas, National Trails, Historic Trails, National Monuments or expand Wilderness and Park territories to extend the control and influence of such grandiose incompetence?
Kansas Nebraska Heritage Area Partnership was much more covetous than Canyons & Plains of Southeastern Colorado who sought seven counties. Here was a huge chunk of land, 49 counties across two states with a population of over 650,000. What are the keys to successful federal government land designation? Deception, lack of transparency, failure to inform property owners and local jurisdictions, grooming political influencers, developing a small core of supporters who claim to represent the targeted region, and funding a feasibility study are the prerequisite ingredients for successful designation through Congress.
How do you defeat a proposed federal government designation by opposing the nonprofit NGO seeking this designation? How do you approach this issue? What public relations tactics can be used to greatest effect without inordinate expenditures in time, energy and funding? The task of the opposition team is, first, inform the public. Second, to instill in the nonprofit federal government front organization a constant state of organizational angst, to confuse, disorient, and disable their efforts at communication and influence.
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