Tag: Conservation Easement

  • State Legislation Templates

    30 x 30 Resolution Template — Resolution authored by Montana A Resolution against 30×30 is cheap, easy, testimony in the court of law on behalf of any individual or organization fighting to prevent the acquisition of more federal lands or the closer of federal lands within the state boundaries. A 30×30 Resolution is a clear…

  • Hazards of Historic Designation

    Hazards of Historic Designation

    by Norman L. Kincaide, Ph.D. The perceived prestige of historic designation for inclusion in the National Register for Historic Places may not be worth the effort, for once a property is so designated it falls under the National Historic Preservation Act and specifically Section 106. This means that a private land owner’s property falls under…

  • Stop 30 X 30 Summit, Lincoln, Nebraska

    Colorado Land, Water and Food Alliance Report byNorman L. Kincaide Ph.D. To capture the essence of the Stop 30X30 Summit in economy of words isimpossible. What follows are my major take-aways. The essence of 30X30 is the federal government wants to con property owners into voluntarily giving up their property rights to achieve an arbitrary…

  • Perpetual Conservation Easements

    The picture below is a screenshot of an interactive map of Conservation Easements. You can see that map here:https://www.conservationeasement.us/interactivemap/ There are two main areas of federal focus on Perpetual Conservation Easements.Around Federal lands such as national parks, military installations etc.And along navigable rivers. There are different types of Conservation Easements. You can learn about them…