The members of any organization, private or governmental, can pass a resolution. The only requirement is a voting membership or board.
Resolutions are important. When the organization passes a resolution, it speaks for the majority of its members. That encourages policy makers and elected officials to pay attention to what their people are saying.
Also consider each resolution is admissible in most courts of law in the Untied States.
You are welcome to download these resolution templates, alter them and use them for your organization and governing body. If you do get a passed resolution, please share them with us so we may share it with the public.
Templates on National Heritage Areas:

The templates are for convenience. You do not have to use them. Please consider a resolution that fits the needs of your area or organization.
Phillips County, Kansas created an excellent resolution without using the templates provided.
American Stewards of Liberty produced a template for the Executive Order known as 30×30. There are two different templates in this document. One is for counties or territories that already have federally owned lands within their county, and one for counties that do not have federally owned lands within their county:
This resolution template was created in Montana:
You can still take action against National Heritage Areas even if you do not belong to an organization.
Letters create a virtual fence around your property in established federal jurisdictions such as National Heritage Areas. It will not eliminate trespassing but, it will discourage it. Letters also inform the body, who claims to have overwhelming support, that their claims are false.
Remember, letters are admissible in most courts. Even if you think it will do nothing for you, it may be beneficial to your neighbors, your decedents, owners of your property, or people in areas of the country who are fighting to hold onto their property rights.
Important: These templates are addressed to the National Park Service and National Heritage Areas afflicting the states of Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri. Please address the appropriate NPS regional office and directors of the NHA resides over your property.
Letters are affective forms of communication that is admissible in most courts of law.

Did you produce a fantastic letter you are proud of, or do you feel your letter needs to be made public to prevent denial of receipt? Please consider sharing your letter with us. Should you choose to do so, please let us know if we can share your letter on this website and what information you would like to have hidden.

The fourth paragraph in this letter is very important.
It is a permanent record of opposition to a National Heritage Area in Nebraska.
State Legislation Templates
^ Click on the headline for legislation templates for states. ^